Apology To Myself: Part #2

Canvas of a Poet
2 min readJun 28, 2022
Photo by UnKknown Traveller on Unsplash

I want to apologize to myself for relentless self battery.
I want to forgive myself for training so hard that I drive myself to tears.
Sorry, Canvas.. I really am. For all your hurt inside.
Forgive yourself and let yourself feel like it’s ok for once.
It’s ok for once to not be perfect, to make mistakes and be a human being.
It’s ok for once to not be the ideal person that is the embodiment of justice or even honesty.
Stop beating yourself up for not being as talented as A or smart as B
handsome as C or wealthy as D
Charming and seducing as E or carefree as F.
Fuck it all and give it a rest this evening.
This evening don’t study, or feel obligated to do anything.
This evening chillax.
This evening you rest.
This evening you slumber.
This evening you cut yourself some slack.
Canvas. Even if no one else will ever tell you this, know that I, you , will always love you.
Your every previous years’ versions of you every passing year, grow by an additional version of you.
The N number of you are standing and watching if Nth you,
are who they wanted to be in the future.
Today you apologize to them, to you.
For tomorrow you’ll show them that this you is still the hardest worker.
And for that they will all smile, proudly as they continue to watch you,
march forward!



Canvas of a Poet

Self-expression is important and your writing is really timeless. I personally enjoy creative writing for its artistic release. I’m here to materialize my voice