Life Huh?

Canvas of a Poet
2 min readJun 23, 2023
Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

To think we live to die another day.
I hope I am learning in my ways.
I feel like change is so incremental and it creeps up on you.
Breaking every sense of mental frames you made to make sense of the world.

You are humbled.
And every time someone shows intolerance to the versatility of life you chuckle and think to yourself “how naive”.
I am humbled by the great expanse of time and space, my limited understanding and the bias that might take hold of me.

I’m a greedy man but I can’t stomach much. Walking contradiction.
I’m a city boy but always remained pretty coy.

What a crazy thing to specifically be born and be given consciousness in these years among all the ages of man’s existence.
What an unfathomable idea life is and it’s contents and what beyond.
Makes you often question.

Do we choose god because we little helpless creatures are terrified of gulping and grasping the great unknown beyond our collected understanding.
For if it was left to us we would crumble and shatter into little shards afterewhich all that will be left is a shell of a person.
Because our puny minds couldn’t handle the pressure?

Interesting isn’t it?
Once Vikings thought that dying in battle, sword at hand will bring about the Valkyries to gloriously take your soul to Valhalla. When you lie there bleeding and life seeps out of you, only to realize darkness enveloping, silence and peace? Wouldn’t it be ironic to have our beliefs challenged?

What a time to live in, whether the timing of our birth has a significance or not, or is simply coincidental.
What a life to have and experience.

You can earn a lifetime of learning and experience and yet only know grasp a handful.
Which begs the question, how much further must we expect to conquer.
If not to just remain open minded, understanding and tolerant that now is your turn and when it ends you must bid farewell to paradise of thought.
For when you become an after thought, you can exist or not that is solely outside of your current concerns.

Live until you can’t and do what you can to live an honest life that you won’t be ashamed of and regret.
Live and joyously accept humility. Because if you do not, life will humble you in the unconditional realm of the afterlife.
There you won’t be choosing your course, and if it happens that you do… You will be surprised how you can’t surf a wave until you are on it.



Canvas of a Poet

Self-expression is important and your writing is really timeless. I personally enjoy creative writing for its artistic release. I’m here to materialize my voice